More people are voting for them and they are more popular.
The correct answer is: True.
<u>Moral imperatives can be understood as strong principles that lead a person through life to act in ways he/she considers morally right. </u>
<u>Moral imperatives are not utilitarian; this means that the person does not act in favor of the consequences that will result from acting in a particular way, but rather because acting in such a way, it's the right thing to do.</u>
<u>The concept of moral imperative was described by Immanuel Kant, and they were part of the broader concept of categorical imperatives.</u>
In conclusion, to the statement: <u>A moral imperative</u> prescribes an action, not for the sake of some result, but simply because that action is our moral duty, the correct answer is: True.
A free enterprise economy include the consumer spending. Consumers provide a significant portion of a nation’s economic growth. Therefore, consumers are an important part of a free enterprise economy.
Zach visits on occasion, and seeing him causes Lily’s stomach to turn circles. Lily tells him that she considers him a friend, a boyfriend, a beekeeper, and a brother. She tells him what would happen if she were black, but Zach replies that there is no use in that kind of speculation. Instead they have to think about changing the world. Lily discovers something in him that has grown angry, and he fills his mind with complex race-relation issues. Lily wishes they could return back to the simple conversations they had before.