it's located between Africa and Asia.
Correlation and causation are two very different things
Correlation means that two or more factors are dependent on each other in a way that one can be predicted with the help of the other. On the other hand, causation means that one thing causes another. For instance, a correlation between ice cream consumption and hot weather means that when its hot people eat ice cream more and in less hot weather people eat less ice cream. But if this correlation is confused with causation between ice cream demand and hot weather then it would mean that eating ice cream causes hot weather which will not be correct. Also for causation, three criteria should be met which are correlation, no effect of third extraneous variable and this casual effect should precede all other rational effects.
there are several consequences of inequity and most times, the likelihood of occurence differs. a repercaution or consequence is that Jack will try to increase his outcomes by meeting his senior heads or increase in his pay and an option also of maximum use of company facilities and resources.
and also, he can also limit/reduce his inputs by working fewer hours and with low impact in giving his high performance. peradventure if these actions does not reduce his feelings of inequity drastically, it will be advisable for Jack to seach/look for a purchasing management job in another firm orhave a second though about going into a better and higher-paying jobs still within his current organization. Jack's feelings of inequity can be limited/reduce if he can change his perceptions, but this is more difficult given the clarity of salary information. It is also unlikely that Jack would push Sam to work harder or try to reduce his salary and also for Jack to change his comparison other can be difficult.
They found that <span>Agreeableness was associated with greater volume in the fusiform gyrus, an area of the cortex specialized for perceiving faces.
This indicates that people that are more agreeable more nature tend to obtain the characteristic because they're better at identifying small facial expression that might reveal someone's characters.</span>
i would live in a warm climate like California