It would be the one in the middle. have a great night
The Monks Tale fits the category of a parable, because a parable is a story that is used to explain something else, which is what the monks tale is doing.
The line from which Helen grey implies that the author thinks physical beauty is not the most valuable quality would be “but so you miss that modest charm; which is the surest charm of them all” there’s no focus on any physical attribute but instead on the modesty of Helen grey
Caesar's bad traits were really a matter of perception. He achieved much success as a military leader who consolidated power and defeated enemies which led to amassing large amounts of foreign territory. He was very unpopular with the aristocrats of his time due to a number of his policies. He favor the poor and that angered the wealthy in his land. He also was suspected of aiming to become King of Rome due to his massive amount of power, this was not supported by the political system or the people of his time. He also had no fear of violence, even on massive scales. He committed many massacres on people, some in other lands, some who he promised retribution to due to being held captive as a child.
The code of chivalry followed by knights in the Middle Ages entailed loyalty to God, the king, and one's lady. A knight was expected to show courage and courtesy and be true to his word.
Sir Gawain upholds the code throughout the plot of the narrative. Gawain’s actions throughout the narrative give evidence that he is a true knight as his chivalry is tested many times in the story.
He shows his loyalty when he steps forward to accept the Green Knight’s challenge in the place of Arthur. His courage and courtesy are reflected in his actions. He is a true knight, but he has his human weakness, as is seen when he falls prey to the temptations of Bertilak’s wife.
He does not tell Bertilak about the green girdle given by his wife to help him survive mortal attacks. However, he does not hide this fact, and he wears a green girdle as a constant reminder of his shame.