Jing-mei's mother took her to a <em>"beauty training school" </em>to get her daughter to look like Shirley Temple which only resulted in a disastrous look.
Amy Tan's short story "Two Kinds" revolves around the story of how a Chinese immigrant child is 'expected' to be a prodigy and made to 'be molded' with the American way of life. The story presents how the protagonist’s mother tried to 'help' her daughter make a name for herself in America.
In the given paragraph, Jing-mei narrates how her mother wanted to 'shape' her into becoming the next Shirley Temple. She wanted her daughter to become famous. So, she took her to a <em>"beauty training school"</em> and cut her hair, which only resulted in a much more disastrous outcome.
In the first paragraph, MLK addresses the clergyman's words concerning the timing of the movement being "unwise and untimely", stating that he didn't have to take the time to answer the clergyman's questions, but because he respects them, he will answer their letter.
King's goal in issuing his "letter from a Birmingham jail" was to address criticisms directed against him by individuals who unarguably should have known better. The teachings of Jesus, he repeated, provided for the nonviolent activities that were solely intended to correct injustices.
hey i just posted a question i need help with :)