There were several different factors that caused the US to become a part of the imperialist movement, including:
1) Industrialization- The invention of technologies that allowed for the mass production of goods allowed businesses to make more of their products than ever before. Due to their increased ability to make large sums of goods, these individuals wanted the US to expand their global influence so that they may have new consumers to sell their products too.
2) Social Darwinism- This idea revolves around the concept of the "survival of the fittest." Many Americans felt that the US was a superior society that should spread its ideas and influence in order to help less civilized countries/territories.
World War 1.
- Women worked in factories, business jobs, rallied support, addressed famine problems, and did more for the war effort after men had to leave their jobs for war. Since their posts became empty- but still needed filling- women worked instead. They didn't just work, they worked diligently and with skill. They built aircrafts, sewed uniforms, and did much more than anyone ever expected. President Wilson said "the services of women during this supreme crisis of the world's history have been of the most signal usefulness and distinction. The war could not have been fought without them or its sacrifices endured. It is high time that some part of our debt of gratitude to them should be acknowledged and paid, and the only acknowledgment they ask is their admission to the suffrage.
They said shortly after the U.S. military left they fell to North Vietnam
Roosevelt's Vice President he had three-
John Nance Garner
henry wallace
harry truman
Maybe that bi-racial relationships where on the rise, and to me it showed rich, famous, Black,white, domestic problems can occur in any relationship.