Is it possible to discover reading plus answers with additional options? is by far the largest site I've found for Reading Plus solutions. It functions similarly to a forum in that you can both contribute replies and view the responses of others. is by far the largest site I've found for Reading Plus solutions.
It functions like a forum in that you can both contribute answers and view everyone else's answers. You can also download a collection of all the answers to your computer.
The biggest disadvantage of this website is that it can be difficult to navigate. Sometimes they close registration at random, and other times it can take days to get accepted. When I signed up, I had to fill out a form and didn't get a response for 6 days. Eventually, I got in, and it was quite useful; there were even answers from four years ago, when reading plus was brand new.
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It is C. A presentation of how paper is recycled on campuses across the United States.
It says in your reading, so for someone to answer that we need to know the reading material.
D. We took him to the store and then went to the library.
We took him to the store, and then went to the library.
Needs a comma after store.