In romeo and juliet whenever someone bit their thumb at others it was taken as an insult
Answer and Explanation:
When the author states that the ocean is like a patchwork quilt, he is referring to how the ocean is a highly diverse environment. As you already know, a patchwork is an object made up of elements that are completely different from each other, but which are able to harmoniously join together to form the patchwork. The ocean is also like that, as it is formed by several elements that are completely different, but that come together in harmony.
However, the ocean is not infinite, on the contrary, it can have an end, due to pollution and intense human exploitation that degrades the ocean immensely. This is what the author wants to present when he says that the ocean is not limitless.
The daughter's are best influenced by none other than their, "Mother's". Apart from her there are many other influencing figures in her family.
Daughter's are said to be the, "Torchbearers" of prosperity in every society. Be it in wealth or knowledge, every part of the society is influenced by an educated and well brought up daughter. Only a daughter can sail her family/society, even in the most troubled times. She is born to take up new challenges and face any circumstances to bring cheers to her loved ones.
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I would say it’s the last sentence the one with the pie!