These are the verbs in the text:
consists (of)
extends (from)
passes (through)
have taken
1. add ideas likewise: is an adverb that I used to add ideas
2. indicate order next: this connector helps put ideas in order, similar connectors are “first, second, finally”
3. show a consequence as a result: This sentence connector is used to show a consequence of a previous idea.
4. show time relation Eventually: it means at the end, as a final result
5. repetition of an idea in summary: means repeating the same idea with other words in order to summarize concepts.
6. introduce an illustration for example: this connector introduces an example or explanation of a previous idea.
7. take away, limit, or oppose yet: this sentence connector is used to introduce an opposing view or idea
8. show space relation on the left: this phrase provides a space relation
11 facts about auto mobiles!!! You're welcome!
1. Teh adverage american spends about 38 hrs a year stuck in traffic
2. The frist car accidnet occured in 1891 in ohio
3. There are approximately 300 million cars ont he road in america
4. the adverage car has 30,000 parts
5. There are more cars then people in los angelas
6. The inventor of the cruise control was blind.
7. automobiles are the most recycled consumer product int he world
8. The adverage person spends two weeks of their entire life waiting at the red light
9. 1 out of 4 cars produced in the world ocmes from china
10. 1 billion cars are in active use across the word today
11. 90% of drivers sing behind the wheel