A reinforcer is a stimulus that increases the probability that the behavior will occur again. An example of a reinforcer would be a dog treat. If you want your dog to follow the command "sit", you would follow the behavior with a dog treat, or reinforcer, to ensure that the behavior of "sit" would occur again.
just tryna get them free points
you would know if you looked it up on google.
Fraternal twins typically happen when two fertilized eggs are rooted in the uterus wall at the same period or time. When two eggs are individualistically fertilized by two different sperm cells, fraternal twins is the end outcome. The two eggs form two zygotes, therefore the terms dizygotic and biovular. Fraternal twins are, fundamentally, two normal siblings who come about to be born at the same time, since they arise from two separate eggs fertilized by two separate sperm, just like normal siblings.
He used customs and beliefs from the many local religions in the empire to create a new religion.