Answer: Correlation and causation are often confused because the human mind likes to find patterns even when they do not exist. We often fabricate these patterns when two variables appear to be so closely associated that one is dependent on the other
The fact that 70 percent to 90 percent of Americans report belonging to at least one interest group is evidence of the theory of pluralist theory.
Evidence is defined as anything that provides evidence or leads to a conclusion. A suspect's blood at a crime scene is an example of evidence. The footprints in the house are proof that someone broke in.
Evidence is an item submitted by a litigant to make the existence of a fact more or less likely. Evidence may take the form of testimony, documents, photographs, videos, audio recordings, DNA tests, or other tangible items. As a general rule, statements not made by a witness during testimony at trial are considered inadmissible as evidence of the facts stated. 13. However, this rule applies only if the statement proves the truth of its contents. This rule applies to both oral and written statements.
Learn more about evidence here
In business, the process of Goal settings involves developing an action plan which is intended to motivate and guide the group toward achieving such planned objective.
The theory which leads to effectiveness of goal setting includes:
- Mobilizing the employees effort by providing them incentives.
- Drawing of employee's attention to important elements of a skills
- Increasing persistence of employee by providing incentives as well.
- The employment of new learning strategies for the employees.
Learn more about goal settings here
Social media is a collective term for online platforms where users provide content without or with minimal intervention from a professional editorial team, but by the pure and simple action of each user, who manages their profile according to their consideration. The main characteristics are the interaction and dialogue between users, who exchange data, files, knowledge and experiences through these means.
Thus, since the main factor of these media is social interaction, a situation may arise with positive or negative implications, depending on how said social interaction affects the user. Regarding the positive aspects, social media serve to reduce the gap of distance and time between users, allowing a more fluid communication in less time. In addition, it serves to, in cases, increase self-esteem and positive perception of oneself, through the approval that other users make of the posted content.
They expanded their empire by trade.