The term "savanna" is often used to refer to open grassland with some tree cover, while "grassland" refers to a grassy ecosystem with little or no tree cover.
Please kindly check explainations for the code.
lw $t1, Num1
lw $t2, Num2
lw $t3, Num3
blt $t1, $t2, if
beq $t1, $t2, elseif
add $t0, $t3, 5
sw $t0, Result
#.....other statements after if-elseif-else
sw $t1, Result
b endif
ble $t2, $t3, if2
or $t0, $t1, $t3
sw $t0, Result
b endif
and $t0, $t2, $t3
sw $t0, Result
b endif
Go to attachment for the onscreen code.
People trust open-source software - if they can see how it works and understand it, they can help improve it and build applications using it. If these protocols were not publicly available - then nobody would have implemented services using them - so nobody would be adopting it.
The windows of death color is blue and with a sad face and says “your pc has ran to a problem and needs to restart. We’re just collecting some error info, and then we will restart it for you
Here are the main functions of an operating system:
1) Manage the resources of the device
The operating system controls how much of each resource is distributed, and it controls things like the processing unit and memory.
2) Establish a interface for the user of the device
The operating system must classify what the classes of the script/code have to do and what they implement.
3) Service application software
The operating system must service each application that is downloaded onto the device. It must balance it's use of storage between apps.