There are 2 bedrooms. 1 Great room, 1 Master Bedroom. and in the floor plan there are 6 rooms including the kitchen and dining area.
Im sorry if its not correct cause im new to this.
Because it is her father and she is going to become the future
Charles Wallace was a very smart 5-year old who was very intelligent and a rare gem. He had a sister called Megan Wallace and they lived with their parents.
Answer:hello again!
green:group project should not be assigned
blue:its not fair to give everyone the same grade
yellow:some people dint do the work and some prefer to work alone
brainliest please? have a great day happy studies
Continue improvements of leadership in processes can help remove inefficiencies and ultimately improve the productivity of team members.
Animals solve problems by trial-and-error or insight, or sometimes when peers are present, through social learning... Also Can I get Brainliest