French political and social structure before the French Revolution. Everyone lived under the system as a member of an estate and a province as well as a subject of the French king.
What is the Old Regime in French Revolution?
The social and political structure that prevailed in France from the late Middle Ages through the French Revolution is referred to by this phrase. All men were subjects of the French king in this arrangement. There was no concept of national citizenship in France.
Why did the Old Regime fall?
The propagation of the enlightened philosophes' ideas due to the rise in literacy rates might be considered as being crucial to the French Revolution and the eventual overthrow of the Ancient Régime.
To know more about Old Regime visit
Some of the resons people fall into poverty are how they were treated or even not beliving in themselves. This could be caused by people making fun of them, not being smart enough or even feeling left out because of finance problems.
H - hilarious
A - agile
U - useful
K - kind
K - knowledgeable
A - analytical
H - happy
An acrostic poem is something where a certain word is taken and a word or phrase is written using that specific letter.
Best Regards,
Wolfyy :)
synonyms of diction is manner of expression
Diction refers to the linguistic choices a writer makes to effectively convey an idea, a point of view, or tell a story. In literature, the words used by an author can help establish a distinct voice and style
<span>holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.</span>