I would say you do considering that unless you own the river or lake or such, the fish and body of water belongs to the state or county
d. all of the above
Arbitration is a legal technique of resolving disputes outside the courts, whereby parties involved in the dispute refer it to an arbitrator (the "arbitrators", "arbiters" or "arbitral tribunal") or arbitrators( one or more persons) , by whose decision (the "award") they may be bound(as in mandatory arbitration) or not(as in voluntary or nonbinding arbitration).
The above methods of arbitration :peer review, arbitration, mediation all allow the dispute parties' input before arbitration decision. Peer review method involves dispute resolution in the workplace whereby employees are able to take disputes to fellow employees and managers to act as arbitrator to resolve disputes which may not be binding on the parties. Mediation on another hand is a dynamic method of dispute resolution where a third party helps to resolve disputes by helping dispute parties negotiate to resolve to dispute. Arbitration however differs from mediation in that the arbitrator makes decisions based on evidence presented and not waiting to negotiate an agreement between both parties. All three methods however require dispute parties to make inputs so as to arrive on final decision.
D. Many people bought cars
Hope this helps :)
Answer: C
Explanation: they do not always generate immediate financial gains to the organization. It take a while for it to have that awareness needed to grow the company.
Adults in general
If a researcher finds that room color influences mood of the adults in a sample, then the researcher would like to conclude that room color affects the mood of <u>adults in general</u>. The study is specific to adults and as such the results of the study should be applied to adults. The sample which consist of adults is a representation of the general population of adults and hence the results should be applied to adults in general. But if for example, the sample was made up of children, then the result should be applied to children.