World War I changed the way wars were fought because of the widely known trench warfare. Because troops inside the trenches were much more protected than troops outside, it led to much more prolonged battles.
How did the Virginia and New Jersey plans come together as a compromise?
The Virginia Plan was used, but some ideas from the New Jersey Plan were added. The Connecticut Compromise established a bicameral legislature with the U.S. House of Representatives apportioned by population as desired by the Virginia Plan and the Senate granted equal votes per state as desired by the New Jersey Plan.
Reformers worked to change schools by making them more: C.) Accessible to everyone
Was elected as prime minister in June 1991
Las funciones del Cabildo iban desde el buen gobierno de la ciudad, el control del presupuesto y de las rentas del municipio y el correcto abastecimiento de víveres, hasta la persecución de la delincuencia y la administración de la justicia local.
que tenga un buen día