Infancy-muscular and nervous system develop dramatically. Weight triples by end of this stage
early childhood- physical development is slower than in infancy weight also slows only doubles. mental developments advances rapidly.
late childhood- weight is slow but steady gains 5-7 pounds. gains childhood independence and more distinct personality.
adolescence- sudden growth spurt causes rapid gain in growth and height. increase in knowledge and sharpening in skills.
early adulthood- muscles are developed and strong and motor coordination is at its peak. involves moving away from peer group. and tend to be with people with same interest.
middle adulthood- mentally ability can continue to increase. can be a period of contentment and satisfaction.
late adulthood-physical development is on the decline. retirement can lead to to a loss of self esteem.
Fewer job opportunities for the mother, unfortunately, especially if she is pregnant, because people judge, and they won't think she is responsible since she is underage and with child. With the father, it's not like they'll know right away, and they can just walk away and not be bothered with the subject again, while the mother will have to find a job and either manage to balance school, or drop out. The parents don't have to do anything, but they can support there children, but it's still not going to affect if they get job offerings or not.