From what? There’s a lot of Bruno’s in stuff I know, I would love to help though!!
C) they showed that Hughes just wanted African Americans to be full members of the United States
<em>This is the right answer to the question. Hughes has always promoted that both the Whites and the African-Americans belong to one country and their should be no segregation whatsoever.</em>
<em>He expressed his view through his poetry.</em>
En marzo de 1959, la obra Una pasa al sol de Lorraine Hansberry debutó en Broadway con excelentes críticas. A sus 29 años, la autora se convirtió en la primera afro que ganó el codiciado Premio del Círculo de Críticos de Teatro de Nueva York. La trama, basada en el racismo que padeció su familia, gira en torno a una familia negra que intenta comprar una casa en un barrio blanco de Chicago.
In Oedipus the King, Sophocles uses blindness and sight as metaphors. Tiresias a physically blind man has a clearer vision than the king Oedipus. Tiresias states "So, you mock my blindness? Let me tell you this, you with your precious eyes, you’re blind to the corruption of your life, to the house you live in, those you live with” (Sophocles 470-475). Blindness is used as a metaphor for the loss of identity, power, and hope. Meanwhile, a clear vision is used as a metaphor for knowledge and insight. The protagonist Oedipus is "Blind" "You have not the truth. You’re blind. Blind in your eyes. Blind in your ears. Blind in your mind” (Sophocles 40). The truth holds power, a power only those with clear sight can see, in the end, Oedipus’s downfall is his blindness, and he ends up being powerless. ok all good please give brailiest :)