hello, I am bored let's talk
I really wish you provided the research study. I would be happy to answer. It should be attached to wherever you found this question. Hope this helps :)
Health literacy is extent to which the individuals have capacity in order to process, obtain and understand the basic health information and the services which are needed to make the appropriate health decisions.
<em><u>Mostly people having low health literacy are ashamed often to admit they are not able to understand the procedure and the information.</u></em>
Thus, various programs and initiatives must be done in order to improve health literacy.
According to Freud, the part of the baby's brain fueling this behavior is the<u> "id".</u>
As indicated by Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, the id is the personality segment made up of oblivious clairvoyant vitality that attempts to fulfill fundamental urges, needs, and wants. The id works in view of the joy rule, which requests quick satisfaction of requirements. The id is one of the three noteworthy segments of identity proposed by Freud, the id, ego, and superego.
because your a naughty person
oop (o.o)