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When Caliph Umar conquered Jerusalem for Islam, he chose the Temple Mount as a place for Muslim worship. Today, the Haram Al-Sharif includes major sites of worship for Muslims, such as the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque. Muslims hold the Temple Mount sacred as the site where Mohammed ascended to heaven.
The partial-birth abortion statute, which sort of has come to light because of the Planned Parenthood tape, which they obviously used partial birth abortion to deliver some of these babies...The Supreme Court said it was unconstitutional. What we did as a member of Congress is we passed a law outlawing partial-birth abortion again, and we said to the Supreme Court, you’re wrong. And we actually listed the reasons why we thought the court was wrong. We made a minor — and I mean really minor change in the bill. Senate passed it. President Bush signed it and — guess what? The Supreme Court reversed itself.