I believe you are talking about Thomas Jefferson, but the people came together and he beat his opponent with votes.
Answer: Discriminant validity
Discriminant Validity
Discriminant validity means a researcher needs to display or show that those variables that are not correlated are indeed not correlated in real life or practically .
For example the test above is measuring intelligence rather than reading ability so the researcher can use discriminant validity to actual show that reading ability is not related to intelligence and that the test is solely measuring intelligence.
He should show the evidence that there is really a low correlation between these two measures.
Halloween is said to stem from the Celtic festival of Samhain, which was where people would construct bonfires and dress up in costumes to keep evil spirits away. Pope Gregory III (8th century) made November 1 All Saints Day to memorialize saints and martyrs. The night before All Saints Day was then known as All Hollow's Eve, then Halloween. Over the years, it became a more community-involved event with the addition of trick or treating.
The first nation in europe to give all men the right to vote was <u>France</u>