I’m pretty sure it would be mountains
A country that has high political freedom typically offers
high economic freedom.
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Political freedom (also known as <span>political autonomy</span> or political agency) is a central concept in history and political thought and one of the most important features of democratic societies.Political freedom was described as freedom from oppression or coercion, the absence of disabling conditions for an individual and the fulfillment of enabling conditions, or the absence of life conditions of compulsion, e.g. economic compulsion, in a society. Although political freedom is often interpreted negatively as the freedom from unreasonable external constraints on action, it can also refer to the positive exercise of rights, capacities and possibilities for action, and the exercise of social or group rights. The concept can also include freedom from "internal" constraints on political action or speech (e.g. social conformity, consistency, or "inauthentic" behaviour). The concept of political freedom is closely connected with the concepts of civil liberties and human rights, which in democratic societies are usually afforded legal protection from the state.
8. This means that as bad as slavery was it was helping to run the country and nobody wanted a revolt if they freed all the slaves.
9. Early abolitionists worked with state legislatures to get Northern states to individually outlaw slavery. They also worked by publishing books, newspapers, and pamphlets. They had conferences, speeches, conventions, and founded charities for slaves.
10. Garrison was stern and uncompromising and he was harsh and he published newspapers, writing. Douglass was more of orator. Douglass was as flexibly practical as Garrison was stubbornly principled. Garrison often seemed more interested in his own righteousness than the substance of slavery evil itself. Douglass increasingly looked to politics to end slavery and were pacifistic.
This document should be the Articles of Confederation