The constitution is considered as a material fundamental aspect of every organized society, it normally helps to orientate all the people of a determined community about all different important aspects to keep on mind, as citizens, human beings, and community.
Besides to organize and distribute politically the society, materializing different laws to fulfill, it normally provides a basic guide about human, basic or individual rights, these ones are guaranteed to every member of the society, they normally cover the basic needs of a person, for this reason, the constitution of the majority of countries across the world, clearly states and highlights the importance about the individual rights of each person and the obligation by the state and every entity to respect and honor them.
However besides stating the importance of the basic/individual rights, it limits them too, since clearly let us know about the different duties a person needs to fulfill to and with the society. Freedoms are conceded but are limited as well, these limitations work to keep the order, and maintain the general good functioning of the society