As most students discover, college is not the same as high school. For many students, college is the first time they are “on their own” in an environment filled with opportunity. And while this can be exciting, you may find that social opportunities conflict with academic expectations. For example, a free day before an exam, if not wisely spent, can spell trouble for doing well on the exam. It is easy to fall behind when there are so many choices and freedoms.
One of the main goals of a college education is learning how to learn. In this chapter we zoom in on learning how to skillfully manage your time. To be successful in college, it’s imperative to be able to effectively manage your time.
In the following Alleyoop Advice video, Alleyoop (Angel Aquino) discusses what many students discover about college: there is a lot of free time—and just as many challenges to balance free time with study time
is that reservation is the act of reserving, withholding or keeping back while installment is the act of installing; installation or installment can be a portion of a debt, or sum of money, which is divided into portions that are made payable at different times payment by installment is payment by parts at different
Lego the most beautiful product which targets two different consumer segments or may be more,A danish based company best selling construction toy in the planet to make these sets it takes years to design and development which enables the portal to kids from the age of 3 to a civil engineer in is 40s. It take is simple logic building blocks children spent 5 billion hours on Lego and why is it interesting is because with 6 pieces of 8 studded blocks a person can built 915 million different combinations. It may not be fascinating for the kids but the adults love new challenges. Lego there is a brand called as Technic which makes the Lego come to life.
Lego Duplo is for the the kids between 2-5, Lego Classic is for kids , Lego creator is for 7 to 12 years Lego Technic can range 11 to 16 Lego creator which is 16 + age so this is how communication has been made for each target.
Marketing mix or the 4p's of marketing Price,Promotion, Product and Placement.
Consumer Segment are comprises of the age group a category that people are influenced to buy a certain product example Coca-Cola is mostly drank by elderly people but Pepsi is drank buy youngster at the adolescent age.
Communication is important as to it implies on a way it has been presented it could be either by social media or by google or pamphlets etc.
Positive outcome would be having a good time with your friend and negative consequences would be getting in trouble if caught and or banned from going to football games
Strategic level
Bill is at the strategic level of the organisational pyramid. He is responsible for allocating the resource of the organisation and taking decisions on behalf of the owners. Bill is at the strategic level because he is also required to make a strategic decision and goals for the company. The strategic level of management is one of the important parts of any organisation, as the strategic performance of the company relies heavily on strategic management.