Whenever you add fractions it means you need a common denominator. The quickest way to find this number is to multiply the two denominators together (in this case 8 and 9).
So your new fractions are 63/72 and 32/72. When you add those you get 95/72.
Next simply divide the two numbers to get a decimal, so here we get: 1.31944...
So this number is closer to 1
Hope that helps!!
The volume of the right circular cylinder is 31064.54 cm³.
What is the formula for the volume of cylinder?
V = πr²h.............. Equation 1
V = Volume of the right circular cylinder
r = radius of the base of the cylinder
h = height of the cylinder.
We have given that,
r = 46.25/2 = 23.125 cm
h = 18.5 cm
π = 3.14
We have to calculate volume of right circular cylinder.
Substitute these values into equation 1
V = 3.14(23.125²)(18.5)
V = 31064.54 cm³
The volume of the right circular cylinder is 31064.54 cm³.
Learn more about the volume of a cylinder here:
<em>1.5880 × 10¹.</em>
Step-by-step explanation: