Bernado de Galvez led the Spanish military campaigns to help the U.S gain independence from the British. At 16 he showed his bravery during a campaign to invade Portugal when he was promoted to be a Lieutenant and deployed to Mexico and due to his bravery he was promoted to captain when he engaged a campaign against the Apache Indians. His bravery was met with a number of wounds at the hands of the Apache Indians after making raids to mexican held lands. In 1770 he was the commander of the spanish forces and led operations in Algeria when he was seriously wounded. Due to his bravery he was promoted to Lieutenant-colonel in 1777.
The primary causes were that Sparta feared of the growing power and influence of the Athenian empire
He took land from patricians and gave it to the plebeians. He increased the size of the Senate to address financial issues. He grew the size of the military to provide more jobs. He created jobs in overseas Roman colonies for those in poverty.
this way they could easily catcch them, with stones, they can miss especially since they are smaller birds and prey