C. Irban Pope II
Think a pope is a church leader and holy is about religion
The role made a wave in options about the candidates because Kennedy was cool calm an collected meanwhile his opponent was sweating and this made people feel as though they could trust Kennedy with the country.
The focus is on the God having the right to exclusive worship by the people, to the exclusion of any other gods or representations of other gods. They actually focus on obedience to God.
when you view or read something do you make connection? as you read you may relate it to your own life experience to the book you had read before and even to the happening in the world
During the first years of war United States kept their policy of non-interference. Still, even during the 1915 they were helping Entente by sending them provisions and resources mostly through boats. German submarines were bombing some of the ships that were crossing the Atlantic Ocean, including Lusitania. all together there were 128 American civilians on board that were killed during the attack. Zimmerman telegram was a document according to which Germans wanted to involve Mexico against United States in the war. Telegram was intercepted and American public was furious.
United States entered the war in 1917 but were provoked by certain animosities mostly by the Germans. Most Americans supported the cause of Entente powers and this German provocations were the last drop to overfill the glass.