c. nbtstat -a
Nbtstat is a TCP/IP utility which is used to display the current connections and statistics of TCP/IP using NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT).
It is installed on a computer running Microsoft Windows when the TCP/IP protocol stack is installed.
Also, it is very useful when we want to troubleshoot NetBIOS name resolution problems.
One can run nbtstat -a < ComputerName > to obtain the local NetBIOS name table on <ComputerName> and its MAC address
See, one is more or less a toy, designed for writing small pieces of code and traditionally used and abused by inexperienced programmers.
The other is a scripting language for web browsers. Sorry about my limited knowledge.
Answer: The first Apple Computer was Apple 1. The designer was Steve Wozniak.
Explanation: Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs both created Apple 1. Mainly, Steve Wozniak designed it.
Hope this helps!
Smtp : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
I'd say PCIe x1... in terms of preformance