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In order to compose music, EarSketch coders can use samples. Audio samples are located in the sound browser, in the left window, which allows for sound file search, and personal sound file upload. In the left section, users can also show the script browser.
No account is required to create projects or view existing projects. EarSketch comprises different elements: a curriculum, a digital audio workstation (or DAW), a code editor and console, and a sound browser.
Dissolves The dissolve is probably the most used transition in video editing. Also known as a cross-dissolve, this effect layers two clips together so there is a seamless transition from one picture to another. You see it everyday and probably don’t even notice it: and that’s the point.
EarSketch is web-based, which means users can access it with their web-browsers, and with no installation. No account is required to create projects or view existing projects. EarSketch comprises different elements: a curriculum, a digital audio workstation (or DAW), a code editor and console, and a sound browser.
Giving that: The following is a sequence of undo-log records written by 2 transactions T and U:
< START T >;
< T,A,10 >;
< START U >;
< U, B, 20 >;
< T, C, 30 >;
< U, D, 40 >;
< Commit U >;
< T, E, 50 >;
< Commit T >;
1. < START U >
Recovery action in this case will be undo(-1) and undo(0). All restored to its original Value
log records < T, A, 10 >, < T, abort >; as written out
2. < T, E, 50 >
Recovery action in this case will be undo(8) and redo(0). A and C is restored to its original value, B and D are set to 20 and 40
log records <T, C, 30 >, < T, A, 10 >, < T, abort > are written out
3. < Commit T >
Recovery action in this case will be redo(7) and redo(4). A and C are set to 10 and 30, B and D are set to 20 and 40
The answer to the question is A