Irony is the difference between what is being said and what is being meant.
English writer Anne Bradstreet used several instances of irony in her poems, mostly to mock society's assumptions as regards the role of women. For example:
"Who says my hand a needle better fits"
In the example above, Bradstreet refers to how society constrains women to do housework chores.
Everyday I wake up earlier, to study or to complete the homework I haven't done last night. I go to school at about 11:40 am. I arrive home at 18:00 pm, and I am really tired. After I eat, I play 30 mins on my console or I am reading a book. I do my homework at about 19:00 pm and after I finish, I go to sleep at about 21:00 pm. In the weekend, I wake up at about 10 am, I eat, and I watch a serial for 1-2 hour(s). I hangout with my friends in the afternoon and when I arrive home, I do my homework for the next week. Sunday is that day where you just want to sleep. This is my typical week in my everyday life.
Start studying Typhoid Fever Quiz| English2 LV1. ... What character trait does the Kerry nurse not have? Sympathy.
If your black you are cool