I think the answer to this is The Label.
D) Bathroom
Bathrooms are commonly close to the center of the house, and don't have windows, which makes them incredibly safe in event of tornadoes, leaving the only better places storm shelters, or basements.
Exercise and physical activity fall into four basic categories—endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility. Most people tend to focus on one activity or type of exercise and think they're doing enough. Each type is different, though. Doing them all will give you more benefits. Mixing it up also helps to reduce boredom and cut your risk of injury.
Though each type is described separately, some activities fit into more than one category. For example, many endurance activities also build strength. Strength exercises also help improve balance.
Endurance- dancing
Strength- Lift weights
Balance-standing on one foot
The main thing would be to not smoke. But also if you are around someone who smokes, try to limit interaction with them while they are smoking. second hand smoke can be just as deadly. Also doing things like using smoke free facilities, like smoke free hotel rooms and restaurants.
Respuesta y explicación:
El sondeo vesical, más conocido como sondaje vesical, es una técnica invasiva de gran utilidad médica en la que al paciente se le introduce una sonda desde el meato uretral hasta la vejiga urinaria.
Ésta práctica tiene diversos fines, tanto terapéuticos como diagnósticos, ya que es de vital importancia a la hora de facilitar la salida de la orina en los casos donde el paciente presenta una uretra o vejiga obstruida, o bien para acompañar una mejor recuperación del paciente durante el postoperatorio de intervenciones quirúrgicas. Además, el sondaje vesical es de utilidad para llevar un correcto control de la diuresis del paciente.