Pentameter is the meter form where there are five metrical feet/ beats in a given line of poetry. And this style has different forms namely iamb, trochaic, dactylic, and anapestic.
Iambic is the number of feet used in a line of poetry. In this pattern, the unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable. And in this form of metrical feet, the line contains five stressed syllables and five unstressed syllables.
Alexander the Great had the whim, with the stressed syllables in bold.
The line "Alexander the Great had the whim" is an example of iambic pentameter.
I would go with D. It’s important to keep family and culture traditions alive.
I think the answer would be C, because an implicit theme is one that's hidden in the story and you kind of have to dig into the piece and look for it.
That is a very controversial question. First of all, King Arthur was a king, not a knight. And if you mean who crowned King Arthur, then that would be his followers. And if you are referring to some point before his kingship, then it could be the Lady of the Lake, or Merlin. It all depends on which version of the story you mean, because there are hundreds.