Diseases decreased life expectancy by 10% and men outnumbered women, population growth was slow.
- In earlier times the climate of places was warm and had swamp type environments, which led to the diseases and this impacted the life span of the people and also affected their livelihood and immigration was the only way to sustain the population.
- Crops like tobacco were not affected by the changes in climate and thus became a cash crop of the entire region.
It is the right distance from the Sun, it is protected from harmful solar radiation by its magnetic field, it is kept warm by an insulating atmosphere, and it has the right chemical ingredients for life, including water and carbon.
In the early 1900's, 6 million African Americans emigrated form the rural south of the US to the northeast, mid-west and west and thus began an urban existence in many of the cities in these areas so became important politically due to their numbers and their strong support of the civil rights movement later on.
Concentration camps were more along the lines of camps that were used to hold and secure people, usually civilians, that were unwanted or suspicious to the country holding them. Many people like to attune it to just Jewish people in Nazi Germany, but concentration camps have been used by the US against Native Americans and Japanese people, they were also used by the Japanese during world war II as well as the Russians.
A Death camp is exactly what it sounds like, usually used only to eliminate evidence, humans, or unneeded Prisoners of War, traitors, or civilians. Most death camps that were recorded in history came from Nazi Germany and Japan during WWII.
c) forma de organização social que fomentou o patriarcalismo e a miscigenação.
Esse desenho retratava a organização espacial das propriedades no Brasil colonial e ele foi estabelecido dessa forma para reforçar as ideias de ordem patriarcal e hierarquia social que estimulava as ideias de desvalorização do escravo negro, enquanto valorizava o senhor da propriedade e as pessoas de traços físicos europeus. Por esse motivo, a casa grande ficava no centro do tereno, reforçando a ideia de controle e superioridade dos cidadãos brancos, enquanto as demais instalações ficavam nos lugares mais perifericos do terrreno.
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