Nebula, Protostar, Main Sequence, Red Giant, White Dwarf, Black Dwarf
Stars are the bright, luminous objects like the sun. They are made up of clouds, dust, and gases. The low mass stars are average size stars having a different stage in its life cycle. It starts from the nebula, which is an aggregation of clouds, dust due to the gravity. Then it becomes a protostar which is bright. After the protostar, the hydrogen atoms start to fuse and produce energy, heat. This stage of the low mass star is called the main sequence star. This is the adult stage of a star. The hydrogen atoms convert into helium gas by nuclear fusion and expansion of star occurs. The star becomes red in colour and cool down. This stage is known as the red giant. Then the stars lose the gases becomes shot white dwarf star. In the end, the helium atoms become carbon atoms and the low mass star is now a black dwarf star.