different or difference between Dot-matrix and Daisy-wheel printer
Because infrared telescopes use infrared aka anything above absolute zero (0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit) meaning that the telescope would not only pick up the stars but also all of the people and lights so on and so forth
From all the given options, the correct statement about customizing presentation is (B) you can customize a pre-designed slide layout with the Slide Master.
The option (A) is false, because if you want to put animations on your slide objects, you need to go to the Animation tab, while option (C) is false because to view the animation that you assign to a slide object, you need to open the animation pane bar or go to slide show. Option (D) is false because you <em>can </em>make changes to the colors, fonts, and effects for pre-designed slide themes.
What is that I never heard of that before
Unicode is a 16 bit system which can support 65636 different characters which is much more than the number of characters that ASCII code support.