Answer is C. A leader should analyze a situation before deciding what to do.
Reffering to the proponents of the situational approach by a leader. It should be noted that the behaviors of an excellent and effective leader vary from one situation to another. Analysis of a situation must be first done before what to do.
The oldest person to be president was Ronald Reagan
a) protect the newly freed slaves after the Civil War.
The thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments of the constitution of the United States came into force immediately after the Civil War to protect the former slaves. Equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment ensured that the state shall not discriminate any citizens and provide equal protection under law. It simply means that all citizens are equal and therefore subject to equal protection.
Judicial Activism
Judicial Activism is the judicial philosophy where a judge makes a ruling that overides established laws of the constitution or legal precedent to favour a particular course. Judicial Activism is a judicial review system whereby court judge can go beyond the words of the Constitution or a statue to consider the broader societal implications of its decisions
Disposition to be merciful and especially to moderate the severity of punishment dueb
an act or instance of leniency
pleasant mildness of weather