In prophase, spindle fibers start emerging from the centrosomes. In metaphase, the spindle fibers attach to the sister chromatids.
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The inner membrane of the mitochondria separate the matrix of the mitochondria from the cytosol(inner membrane space.). It is invaginated folded inwards to form the critae. This is an adaptive feature to increase the surface area for biochemical reaction in the mitochondria.
The invagination gives two compartments the inner mitochondria also creates the outer intermembrane space and the inner matrix
These are the substances that can pass freely the inner membrane of the mitochondria.Pyruvate and H+ can not pass through.Specifically,it is not preamble to H+ because, hydrogen ions are needed to generate the electrochemical gradients needed for the chemical energy for phosphorylation of ADP by P to form ATPs by the enzyme ATPase synthase.If the inner membrane is permeable to H+ the electochemical gradient will not be produced, and therefore ATPs productions stops.
O2 needs to pass through the inner membrane because it it the final electron acceptor. Therefore if not allowed to pass through oxidative phosphorylation and ETC will nor occur.
CO2 must pass through because its accumulation will increase the acidity of the inner mitochondria
In order for plants to produce energy and maintain cellular function, their cells undergo the highly intricate process of photosynthesis. Critical in this process is the stoma. Stomata (multiple stoma) are located on the outermost cellular layer of leaves, stems, and other plant parts. An open stoma facilitates the process of photosynthesis in three ways. First, it allows light to enter the intercellular matter and trigger the process. Second, it allows for the uptake of carbon dioxide, a key chemical in producing plant energy. Third, it allows for oxygen to be expelled into the outside environment, a byproduct of photosynthesis that is no longer needed by the cell.