A pedigree is a symbolic diagram that is used to show the presence and presentation of specific alleles in the families of both parents. This is used mostly for genetically controlled diseases and conditions. If a couple is in genetic counseling a pedigree is valuable in helping to determine the risk of that couple having a child that will either present with the condition or be a carrier for the condition. A pedigree is also composed in a way, with shapes and colors, that is an easy to understand visual representation of the inheritance patterns.
Beets, carrots, turnips, onions, radishes, and (the odd one out) celeriac.
Cell wall - Adds structural support to the cell. Holds the cells together
Cell membrane - Serves as a barrier to the cell and allows more nutrient and molecules to move in and out of the cell without letting things that can harm the cell in.
Outer membrane - Serves the same basic functions a the cell membrane. (Depending on how complicated the class your in is, I would visit this website for more information... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacterial_outer_membrane )
Pili - Help the cell move and attach the bacteria to surfaces are other cells.
DNA - Contains the genetic instructions on what the cell can physically do, operate, and reproduce.
Flagellum - Helps the cell move. It kind of acts like a propeller for the cell so that it can move around.