Think of the retail price as the whole price or 100%. Since the items are discounted 20% you end up paying 80% of the retail price for each item. 80% of the retail price is the sale price.
We need to find 80% of 1800. Percent means out of 100 so we can represent it using

or .80 whichever is easier for you to work with. Multiply this by 1800 and you have your sales price for 1 trouser. That is, the sales price for a trouser is (1800)(.8) = 1440.
Same as we did for trousers we multiply the price of a shirt (550) by (.8) to get the sale price. It is 440.
The sales price for 3 trousers and 2 shirts is (3)(1440) + (440)(2) = 5200
I noticed that you didn't include currency (dollars, pounds, euros, for example). If these are dollars then the price of a trouser might be $18.00 as opposed to 1800 which seems really high. Similarly I would expect 18,00 Euros as opposed to 1800 Euros for a pair of pants. If this is the case take the answers given above and merely insert a decimal point to spaces from the left (or in Europe and other parts of the world a comma).