Old Price 27363
Exchange Rate 2.01
USD Value 55000
the company has committed to sale at $55000 existing price for next six months.
No currency hedge contract has been made by jaguar, in such case due to appreciation of pound the value of dollar will decrease but due to commitment by jaguar not to fluctuate the cost the total amount receivable in pounds will decrease as compared to 6 months before
USD Value 55000
Exchange Rate 2.15
Price in Pounds 25581
Decrease in pounds = 27363-25581 = 1782 loss
The answer to your question should be B. Pays the difference of the current value to the amount you owe.
increase price per ticket.
increase price per ticket in proportion to cost incurred.
set up an internal control system to ensure all revenue from ticket are well accounted for.
Management, Monitoring, and Maintenance.
They can help you get your finances under control and have some well-deserved peace of mind. Management One of the best things you can do to get the most out of your money is to manage it more closely.
The reason why commodity futures contracts are transferable is: <span>They can be bought and sold but the obligation in the contract remains valid.
Commodity futures contract is an agreement to buy or sell a specific asset at a specific price somewhere in the future.
This contract does not specify the name of the person who should buys the asset, so it could be transferable as long as the exchange is still fuiflled.