A thermophile is a kind of bacteria that belongs to the Archaea Domain and they are the kind of animals that can live in a region of high or extreme temperature. There has been a research on a kind of thermophile which is known as Methanopyrus kandleri which can exist in an extreme temperature of up to 500° C.
So, if we take a look at the question again we can see that after 48 hours and at 37°C 20,000 bacteria per milliliter are already in the tube and at more higher temperature of 55°C we have 1,568,000 bacteria per milliliter which means that at higher temperature more of the bacterial is produced.
in the explanation
The independent variable would be us humans polutling the ocean with oil and other plastics destroying the coral reefs. The dependant variable is an abbrasive species of fish becoming overpopulated and killing all the fish that help the coral grow causing the coral to die. (independant variable basically means humans tampering with it causing the problem. dependent is naturally occuring humans cant control whether a fish overpopluates or not thats natural)
T cells
The immune response to a transplanted organ consists of both cellular (lymphocyte mediated) and humoral (antibody mediated) mechanisms. Although other cell types are also involved, the T cells are central in the rejection of grafts. The rejection reaction consists of the sensitization stage and the effector stage.
Erythrocytes also known as Red Blood cells carry oit aerobic respiration; thus, they consume any of the oxygen they are transporting. They transport oxygen and takes away carbon dioxide from the cells. It contains a pigment called haemoglobin that helps in this process......