You should expect an endangered species to be more SPECIALIST. Animal species that can live in different types of environment and which can survive on different types of food are called generalist. This type of animal specie can not be easily endangered because they have high level of survival. The specialist animal species on the other hand are adapted to a narrow range of food and environment. Specialist species can be easily wipe out if there food resources is exhausted or if their habitat is destroyed.
You have a population in hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the m and n alleles. These alleles are codominant. Allele frequency of m is 0. 4. 0.48 is the frequency of heterozygotes in the population.
An allele frequency has been computed by dividing the total quantity of copies of each of the alleles at that specific genetic location in the population by the number of points of time the allele of interest has been observed in a population.
The frequency of each genotype is typically calculated by dividing the population's total count of individuals by the number of people who have that genotype.
To learn more about hardy-Weinberg equilibrium,
Bladder is definitely the word
The right answer is 2 divisions.
Meiosis follows the replication of DNA from a reproductive cell (male or female). It allows the passage of a so-called diploid mother cell to 2n chromosome homologous chromosomes to 4 single-chromosome haploid daughter cells. For that it must pass by two successive divisions, the first division is reductionelle generating two diploid cells with n chromosomes. the second division is equational giving 4 haploid cells to n chromosomes from the two preceding cells.