Hi there!
Sustainability means that something or someone has the ability to keep something going.
For example, a plant could have good life sustainability because it has a special poison, keeping predators away from it.
You could be self sustainable by growing your own crops, collecting your own water, and making things you need.
Hope this helps!
It originates in the inner core of the Earth.
a) R= allele for red colored flower
I= Allele for ivory flowers
b) Genotype of pink flowered plant: RI
c) Incomplete dominance
d) 100%
When the dominant allele is not able to fully mask the expression of the recessive allele in the heterozygous state, it is said to be incomplete dominance. The R and I alleles impart red and ivory color respectively to the flowers of the snapdragon plant. The heterozygous genotype "RI" imparts a pink color to the flowers and therefore, the alleles are said to exhibit incomplete dominance.
The genotype of red-flowered snapdragon plant = RR. The genotype of ivory flowered snapdragon plant= II. When a red-flowered snapdragon plant is crossed with an ivory flowered snapdragon plant, the progeny is heterozygous in nature with the "RI" genotype. The phenotype of the progeny is "Pink flower" since the R allele is incompletely dominant over the allele I.
6) unicellular means organisms contains one cell while multicellular means organisms contain more than none cell.
7) Each cell have different organells that carry different functions. For example, a cell have a organell named nucleus and its function is to store DNA
8) eukaryotic meas organisms with many cells aka are multicellular and prokaryotic means organism with single cells aka are unicellular.\
9) bunch of tissues together forms organs. and bunch of organs together forms organ system