I think it is C. discovery
Discovery is a process by which adversaries obtain trial-related evidence from one another
Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Property
1. Believers of Greek Orthodoxy are mainly found in Northern Africa, Asia Minor, and Middle East; Roman Catholics are mainly seen in Western Europe, Northern and Western part of the Mediterranean region.
2. Greek language is used in church functions of Greek Orthodox; Latin is the official language of Roman Catholic churches.
3. During Divine Liturgy, Byzantines use leavened bread; Roman Catholics use unleavened bread.
4. Byzantines emphasize on divinity of Christ; Roman Catholics emphasize on humanity of Christ.
5. Byzantines consider highest Bishop as the supreme authority of the sect, but do not consider him as infallible. They do not accept papacy; Roman Catholics accept Pope as the supreme authority of the sect, and consider him as infallible.
6. Byzantines believe that Mary committed the original sin; Roman Catholics believe Mary did not commit the original sin.
7. Byzantines pay homage to icons; Roman Catholics pay homage to statues.
8. Eastern Orthodoxy allows marriage of clergies; Roman Catholics do not allow marriage of clergies.
9. Byzantines do not believe in the concept of purgatory and stations of cross; Roman Catholics believe in both.
10. By unity of churches Byzantine understand membership in one of the churches; whereas Roman Catholics understand by it – participation in the organization headed by Pope.
A few of the crew men were royal navy deserters and the commander of Chesapeake was caught unaware by the British navy.
There was presence of royal navy seamen deserters on board of Chesapeake and leopard commander Stephen Decatur had authority from the British consul to search Chesapeake for deserted royal navy seamen.
The correct answers here are the Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Both of these empires were on the losing side of the World War One as Austria-Hungary started the World War I and the Ottoman Empire was theirs and Germany's ally. The Ottoman Empire was partitioned after the world by the world powers Russia, France and Great Britain and the Austria-Hungary was dissolved into the Kingdom of Hungary and the First Austrian Republic.