The writings of Ayuba Suleiman Diallo are an important source of information on the slave trade because they are a first hand account of the slave trade by a slave.
He believe in rugged individualism.
Rugged individualism is a belief which view that in order for society to survive every body should fend for themselves without the help of any institutions.
Because of this belief, he see government involvement in the economy (such as welfares, relief, etc) is considered as a "Hand out" that will deteriorate the quality of United States labor force in the long run.
Even when United States was experiencing the Great Depression in 1920s, Hoover still reluctant to create programs that provide some sort aid to the citizens. Because of this, he ended his presidency with one of the lowest approval ratings in US history.
One reason is because the republicans feared immigrants who would support the Federalists future elections.
Another reason is that the Antifederalists wanted to gain more members so they passed the act in order to welcome those entering the country.