Which tone should a reader use to read the narration before the newspaper headlines? CASUAL
Which tone should a reader use to read the newspaper headlines?
Which tone should a reader use to read the narration after the newspaper headlines? DISAPPOINTED
The red jacket offers a very comprehensive account for the
red Indians view about the missionary request. The red jacket explains the Indians
point of view. The Indians were the native people of the continent America. When
the white people came fleeing from their oppressors, the Indians gave them shelter, food and
safety of their warriors. But when the white people grew in numbers and
strength, they took the land and country and resources of the native Indians. This
attitude of the white people grew the Indians weary of the white folks and
became skeptical. And when the missionary came with the preaching, the said its
just another ploy to infiltrate our religious lives now.
Don't be afraid of the word "racist"
Call out loved ones when they say or do racist things
Don't make the trials and tribulations of minorities all about you
Apologize if you need to
Racist jokes aren't funny, so don't laugh
Stop saying that you "don't see color"
Get to know Black history
Approach the legacy of Martin Luther King...