Not really is she wants the words that she's typing down sometimes it's not necessary to leave it to the auto correct It can always be bad when re-reading it again.
A. intentionally or recklessly disrupt, degrade, or destroy information or services on the computer
Google intended the limited initial rollout to be a test of google glass, that the adopters were Innovators.
The initial rollout of Google Glass was limited, purposefully so as to set the price very high. This mean that only a selected few, and those with plenty of disposable income, would be the first to use these devices. Google required people to register for the chance to receive a set. Even if many would want to spend the money on these devices, Google allowed only a selected few to receive them.
Answer: Networking protocols are important as they define a set of rules to be used for exchanging information between computer nodes.
in terms of networking it is required for the source and the destination to have a set of predefined rules which enables the router to send and receive information across the network in such as way that both the ends are able to receive the messages.
The information exchange takes place first by the client by introducing itself to the remote server. the remote server upon receiving the information uses some form of handshaking and acknowledges the client of the receipt of the message.
besides this there are many routing protocols which tells us about the way how packets are sent from the client to the source. There are two types of routing protocols:
1. static routing protocols
2. dynamic routing protocols.