The sugar Act, was also called Plantation Act or Revenue Act (1764) the British legislation aimed at the ending the smuggling trade in sugar and molasses from the French and Dutch West Indies
Tariffs is the answer, Tariffs are usually levied by domestic governments to protect new industries against foreign competition, to protect aging industries against foreign competition, to protect against foreign companies offering their products for a price lower than their costs and to raise revenue.
<span>Slobodan Milosevic
He resigned in 2000 following demonstrations in Serbia. However, the prime minister extradited him to the ICC. He refused to appoint defense for his case arguing that the courts was illegal. He died five years later from heart ailments. the court later acquitted him of any crime, but held he was responsible for not prosecuting the genocide perpetrators.
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Germany had a nature for racism
The biggest difference was the strictly racist nature of German Nazism. Though heavily nationalistic and despite Mussolini ultimately introducing anti-Jewish laws to follow Hitler's lead, Italian Fascism was never principally racist.