Determining the middle wage is not an expressed power of the legislative branch. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option. The congress does have the power to collect, borrow as well as coin money. It does not have the power of setting up the wage of any person or worker.
Determining the middle wage is not an expressed power of the legislative branch. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option. The congress does have the power to collect, borrow as well as coin money.
It does not have the power of setting up the wage of any person or worker.
Legislative Branch: Headed by Congress, which involves the House of Representatives and the Senate. The central task of these two organizations is to make the laws. Its powers involve passing laws, beginning spending bills (House), impeaching officials (Senate), and supporting treaties (Senate).
Most nations that discuss the issue of Palestinian independence call for a "two state solution", meaning that the Jews and the Arabs would have separate states in the region.