Ostacism is the deliberate social exclusion of individuals or groups.
An example of Ostracism would be someon, who recently had an argument with a friend over the phone; lets use Alexia and Sofia. Alexia completely disagrees with the the statements made by Sofia; thus, Sofia does not change her mind. Therefore, Alexia runs to all of her friends and tells off her friends to ignore and not talk to her at lunch.
B. !!! no other answer choices have to do anything with health
According to science, yes – happiness, indeed, has a heritable component. It’s a finding that is surprising and not surprising at the same time. It's surprising because of our culturally-sanctioned convictions that with our choices, thoughts, and behavior, we have the final say on how well we function in our lives, not our circumstances. But it's also not surprising because if our genes play a part in shaping who we are in the world, they will also have a say in how we pursue and find happiness. People might inherit genes that put them in advantageous or less favorable positions. Depression is genetic...
Letter D
When surveyors measure angles, the resultant calculations are typically reported as either azimuths or bearings. A bearing is an angle less than 90° within a quadrant defined by the cardinal directions. An azimuth is an angle between 0° and 360° measured clockwise from North.
Here is the link i got help with: