An ideal gas is a theoretical gas in which inter molecular forces do not exist among the molecules and the molecules do not occupy any space. A gas that does not obey ideal gas law are described as non ideal in behaviour. Gases that are most susceptible to non ideal behaviour are those that have attractive and repulsive forces among their molecules and whose particles have volume. Gases that exhibit non ideal behaviour has compressiblity factor ratio that deviate from 1.
Recycling paper uses 60% less energy than making paper from raw materials. Every ton of recycled paper saves:
· 4,100 kWh of electricity
· 380 gallons of oil
· 4.6 cubic yards of landfill space
· 7,000 gallons of water; and
· 17 trees
From The School of Biomedical Sciences Wiki. Complementary base pairing is the phenomenon where in DNA guanine always hydrogen bonds to cytosine and adenine always binds to thymine. The bond between guanine and cytosine shares three hydrogen bonds compared to the A-T bond which always shares two hydrogen bonds.
A) Crossing over is the mechanism of genetic variation that results from the exchange of gene segments between non-sister chomatids.
what are two parts of the mitochondria?
Mitochondrial matrices and cristae
Mitochondria matrices makes up the spaces in-between the inner membrane while the mitochondria cristae resulted as a result of folding inwards of the inner membrane.